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When Do I Need A Lawyer?
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There are some times and situations where a lawyer is clearly needed. There are other situations in which a lawyer can be used and the choice is yours whether to consult with a lawyer. Since our site was founded by a lawyer, our bias is to suggest that if there is any question at all, at least speak with a lawyer about the matter. A discussion with a lawyer will quickly make it clear whether you need to hire him or her to do the work - or perhaps merely to give you advice - or to learn that a lawyer is not necessary. An initial consultation may even be free.
Written materials, books, articles never take the place of legal advice from a lawyer. You may find a situation that seemingly matches yours, but unless you have training and/or experience in a subject, you may miss the one piece of information that seems irrelevant to you, but which totally changes the situation.
If you can't afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for free or low cost legal aid. For more information, click here.
There are alternatives to lawyers who may provide the services you need at a lower cost. See the next section.
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Lawyers 101