Media: How To Get Press Coverage
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If you have a story that needs to be told to help you get what you want, Elizabeth Griffin and Marissa Schwartz, Press Representatives from Boneau/Bryan-Brown (New York City) recommend the following steps to help you get your voice heard in the press. Information about each step is contained in the other sections of this article.
Step 1. Think before you speak.
Step 2. Be prepared for the outcome.
Step 3. Do your homework.
Step 4. Think about how to pitch your story.
Step 5. Practice telling your story.
NOTE: Also consider creating a video in a manner that has a chance of going viral.
- Be creative. What would make you respond to a video about your subject?
- Think of the videos you know about that have gone viral. Is there anything they have in common from your point of view?
- Post the video on all the free sites such as YouTube
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