Breast Cancer A to Z: An Overview
A new normal exists after a diagnosis of breast cancer in just about every aspect of life.
We provide comprehensive information to help you keep control. You can find the information you need in a variety of ways, including:
- A Guide by disease stage
- A computer generated personal survivorship guide
- Key word search
- By category such as employment
- Index of content (alphabetically or by category)
All our Information starts with summaries which provide an overview. You can then use links for additional information to the depth you desire. Foror example to form letters and what to say or not say when speaking with an institution such as an insurance company.
Disease stage
You can access information in all areas of your life affected by breast cancer by clicking on the appropriate stage you are in at the moment. It is generally not advisable to read ahead.
- Newly diagnosed with breast cancer (the guide starts with fear of a diagnosis, then progresses to diagnosis and treatment decision, to treatment decision to the start of treatment)
- In treatment with breast cancer
- Post treatment 0 - 6 months
- Post treatment 6 months +
- Recurrence
- End of life
Personal Survivorship Guide
After you complete the questionnare, a guide is automatically created just for your disease, financial and social situation. As your situation changes, so does the guide. Your answers are secured in a lock box. Identifying information is not required. Although we do require an e mail address, you can create an address just for use with respect to sites like ours at free services such as aol.com or gmail.com
To see a sample guide, or to get one of your own, see the links to the right side of your screen.