New Normal
Experience shows that what's normal after a diagnosis is invariably different than it was before a diagnosis. Just about every aspect of a person's life changes.
While it may not be comfortable to think about, there's no going back even if there is a complete healing. At the least, there will always be a history that becomes part of your story. People are beginning to refer to this reality as "New Normal."
New Normal is all encompassing. It relates to your relationships (including relationships with your health care team), work, finances, and your legal situation. The possibility, no matter how remote, of life sustaining machines or a condition resulting in death brings a new urgency to focusing on subjects such as Advance Health Care Directives (Living Wills, Healthcare Powers of Attorney etc), , funeral planning and Estate Planning in general.
In general, things look different through diagnosed eyes.
Understanding New Normal and utilizing the information we provide eases anxiety of the unknown and helps minimize unpleasant surprises. Understanding New Normal also helps maximize access to and use of the health care system, as well as your income and resources. For instance, if you haven't learned it already, there may be new uses of assets such as credit or real estate or the possible sale of a no longer needed life insurance policy that can work to your advantage. A high deductible health insurance policy with a Health Savings Account can save you money.
To try to summarize all the changes would be to try to summarize all the information on this site. Rather than repeat ourselves, we suggest that you review our guides. Once you have the overview, you can look at subjects as they become relevant.
If you prefer more general information, look at the overviews provided in our categories.