Content Overview 
- Becoming Self Employed: Summary
- Create A Business Plan
- Am I A Candidate For Self-Employment?
- Consider Working At Home
- Determine The Type Of Work You Want To Do
- Do Your Research
- Determine How You Will Finance A Short Fall Until You Start Earning Enough Money
- Where To Get Assistance To Help Start Your Business
- Should You Disclose Your Health Condition To Investors/Lenders?
- Consider How Being Self Employed Will Affect Your Family, Spouse, Partner
Work: Self-Employment - Getting Started
Do Your Research
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- Can you earn enough to pay your living expenses and your health care expenses -- including the cost of premiums, co-pays, deductibles and uninsured medical costs?
- How long can you reasonably expect before you are earning that much money?
- How will you obtain your health and other necessary insurance? (To learn more, see Obtaining Health Insurance.)
- What will your expenses be?
- Where will you work? If at home, see Working At Home.
- Competition, including local and national competition. Consider current or potential competition from the internet.
- Sources of financing that you may have available on your own or through family members, friends or business associates.
The U.S. Small Business Association has information as well as thousands of links to information and resources for all aspects of creating a small business. Take a look at their site at .
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