Short Term Disability Income: State Programs
Puerto Rico
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Name: Puerto Rico Short Term Disability Law
Who Must Carry: Most private employers with one or more employees.
Premium: Maximum Employee Contribution in 2001 is 0.3% of the first $9,000 in taxable wages.
Benefits: 65% of average weekly wage from a minimum of $12 per week to a maximum of $113 per week ($55 per week for farm labor) in 2001. There are additional benefits in the event of death or dismemberment.
Taxes: Puerto Rico short-term disability benefits are partially taxable.
Waiting period: 7 days. Benefits begin on the 8th day. Waiting period is waived if the employee is in the hospital for more than 24 consecutive hours during the first week.
Benefit Period: 26 weeks.
Covers: All employees except government employees and certain tax-exempt organizations.
Eligibility: As of 2001, earning $150 or more in wages in base period, and at least $37.50 in high quarter. It does not matter whether you have a pre-existing condition. Medical questions are not asked.
Claim Forms: Claim forms may be obtained from your physician, employer or the responsible agency listed in "For More Information" below.
Source of Coverage: Coverage may be purchased from the State Plan, a private insurer, or the employer may establish a "Private" self-insured plan.
For More Information: Contact the Department of Labor Bureau of Employment Security. Tel: 787.754.2119