Sex And Intimacy
How To Involve Your Partner With Sex And/Or Intimacy Issues
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Discuss your sexual concerns and issues with your partner or person with whom you want to have sex. If you keep the matter to yourself while changing your behavior, it will send mixed signals which can easily be misinterpreted as a lack of interest in sex or in the other person.
Talk about how you feel about your sex life, and what you would like to change. Consider talking about your concerns, your beliefs about why your sex life is the way it is, your feelings, and what would make you feel better.
Approaching the subject openly avoids blame, stays positive, and gives your partner a better sense of how you are feeling.
Likewise, ask your partner or other person to discuss his or her concerns and issues.
- It is not unusual for other people to be confused about how to behave.
- Try to be open minded as you listen to your partner's point of view.
Consider asking your partner to accompany you to your visits with your specialist. He or she can be part of the discussion about sex and intimacy issues, as well as about possible solutions.