Charity: Giving To
How To Stretch Your Charitable Donation Dollars
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There are several easy ways to stretch your donation dollars. For example:
- Many employers have matching-grant programs that double the amount of your contributions.
- If you have a traditional IRA, and are age 70 l/2 and older, you can transfer up to $100,000 yearly from a IRA directly to a chaarity. If you are married, you and your spouse can give up to $100,000 each from your separate IRAs. Qualified charitable distributions can count as required minimum distributions, but they are not taxable and they are not added to your adjusted gross income, so they won't trigger a Medicare premium surcharge. You cannot deduct the conation.
- You can leverage a small donation into a big donation by joining a Giving Circle. A Giving Circle is a group of people who pool their money to have a greater impact on charities. Giving Circles can range from a few people to many. You can find a Giving Circle or learn tips for starting your own at the Giving Circles Network,
, Tel.: 703.408.0312
- Consider making a gift to an organization relating to your health condition that does advocacy work to increase government spending for research and/or services. Giving a dollar to such an organization can mean many times that amount in research and/or services about your condition if the group is effective in obtaining government dollars.
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