Content Overview 
- Summary
- Step 1. Think through what you do, and do not, want if there are medical decisions to be made and you cannot communicate your wishes.
- Step 2. Discuss with the person whether he or she is willing to act as your Proxy.
- Step 3.Take the time to provide as clear an idea as possible of just what your wishes and your beliefs are.
- Step 4. Even if you think you already know, ask the person you're proposing to appoint as your proxy what he or she thinks about the different topics under discussion.
- Step 5. Ask the Proxy questions about things that could happen to confirm you both have the same understanding about what you do and do not want.
- Step 6. Include the person's name in your Healthcare Proxy document, and ask him or her to affirm their agreement in writing.
What To Discuss With A Healthcare Proxy
Step 6. Include the person's name in your Healthcare Proxy document, and ask him or her to affirm their agreement in writing.
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Only after you believe the person is clear about your wishes, and you are confident that the person is the right one to be your proxy, is it time to execute the document naming that person.
Be sure your proxy knows to confirm that, if you go into a hospital, a copy of your Healthcare Power of Attorney has been placed in your records "just in case."
It may be helpful to also put your general beliefs and wishes in writing so your proxy has a memory aid. Understand that the writing will be used as a guide only. It will have no legal authority of its own.
NOTE: The document for the Proxy is not the same as a Living Will which is a document we also recommend you have in case something in writing is needed by your Health Care Proxy to show proof of your intent.