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How To Avoid Infection 101

Signs of Infection To Watch For

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Following are indications that you may have an infection:

  • Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Loose bowels
  • A burning feeling, pain or difficulty with urination, or reddish or bloody urine. (Keep in mind that some medications including cancer drugs can cause urine to change color to orange, red or bright yellow, and the urine may take on a strong or medicine-like odor.)
  • Men: a change in the color or odor of semen.
  • Women: unusual vaginal discharge or itching
  • A severe cough or sore throat
  • Redness, sweeling, or tenderness around a wound

Be alert to the signs of infection. You should check your body on a regular basis, paying special attention to your nose, mouth, and genital and rectal areas.

Immediately call your doctor and report any signs of infection. Let him or her decide how long a symptom can continue before you should be seen.

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