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How To Choose A Primary Care Doctor

Step 6. Interview the Doctor

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Yes, doctors do interview.

During an initial visit, you may choose to simply interview the physician or you may choose to have a physical examination in addition to the interview process -- particularly if the doctor charges for the visit.

While we wish we could say that the doctor will give you an interview session for free, the odds are you will be charged for the interview (or it will be covered under your managed care plan.)

If you will be charged for the interview, you may as well be examined at the same time. This is particularly true if your insurance company won't reimburse for interviews. Insurance will generally pay if there is a diagnosis. (If you decide to have an exam in addition to an interview, read How To Work Most Effectively With Your Doctor, to make the most of your time together.)

When you schedule the appointment, let the person who makes the appointments know the purpose of the visit so the doctor can schedule enough time. Find out if there is a cost difference between and interview and a physical exam before requesting an exam.

For a suggested list of questions to ask the doctor, see Questions To Ask A Primary Care Doctor.

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