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A hiccup is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs that may repeat several times a minute.


There are a large variety of remedies for hiccups. No one remedy works for everyone. Following are a few techniques that are worth trying: 

Hold your breath

  • Exhale.
  • Swallow air.
  • Hold it for as long as you can.
  • Release

A Variation On Holding Your Breath

Luc Morris, MD, surgical oncologist with Memorial Sloan-Ketting Cancer Center suggests the following variation of holding your breath:

Step 1: Take the deepest breath you can and hold it for ten seconds.

Step 2  Without exhaling, breath in again and hold for five more seconds

Step 3: Take in a little more air and hold it for another five seconds.

Step 4: Breathe normally.

Dr. Morris states that this exercise calms the diaphragm which helps to stop the spasms that cause hiccups.

Breathe into a paper bag

  • Hold a small paper bag over your nose and mouth.
  • Breathe rapidly in and out for 30 seconds.
  • If you become dizzy, stop immediately.

Q-tips to initiate the gag reflex

Bottom Line Personal reports that some people benefit from briefly touching one end of a Q-tip to the small piece of flesh that dangles in the back of your throat. This is known as the uvula. 

This technique triggers your gag reflex. This in turn interrupts the spasms of your diaphragm.

Coca Cola gargle

Gargle Coca Cola. Then either spit it our or swallow it.  If this method works for you, it cures hiccups instantly.